Fathers’ mental health

FATHER MENTAL HEALTH. "Instead of telling dads how strong and emotionally bulletproof they are, consider saying: I’m grateful for the time we get to spend together and I want to know more about how you are really doing..."

Here’s why it is so important to encourage emotional vulnerability in fathers:

1. It improves overall well-being: repressing emotions creates a profound sense of detachment — from themselves and from their loved ones. It’s a major factor behind why so many men experience loneliness.

2. It deepens family bonds: for example, share childhood memories or photographs with your children, and talk about how it felt to be you in that moment.

3. It helps raise more resilient kids: practice and model nurturing love (studies show emotionally present dads raise more confident children), show empathy (rather than telling them to toughen up, meet your child’s meltdowns or tears with listening and affirmation), apologizing when you behave in a way that you aren’t proud of (this models humility, courage and emotional accountability).

...and just because your kids may be grown does not mean you can't practice! It's never too late.

Source: https://www.cnbc.com/2023/06/16/no-1-phrase-dads-are-sick-of-hearing-on-fathers-day-what-to-say-instead-parenting-expert.html

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Michael Kanner

Anchored Mind Counseling + Nutrition


Mental health everyday

