Mindful eating

1. Old diet culture rules: Release yourself from restrictive dieting and embrace a more flexible and balanced approach to eating.

2. The "good" vs. "bad" foods mentality: Instead, focus on nourishing your body with a variety of foods that make you feel good physically and mentally.

3. Thoughts that tell you "I can't": Challenge limiting beliefs that make you feel powerless or deprived by practicing a mindset of self compassion and grace.

4. Judgment and guilt: Avoid beating yourself up over food choices or perceived mistakes by accepting imperfection and looking for opportunities to learn from your experiences.

5. The need for perfection: Mindful eating is a journey. Aim for progress over perfection.

6. Comparison: Refrain from comparing your eating habits to others' and practice tuning in to your body's cues and preferences.

#mindfulmonday #anchoredmind #counseling #therapy #mentalhealth #nutrition #eating #diet #mindfulness #food #lifestyle

Michael Kanner

Anchored Mind Counseling + Nutrition


Holiday Do’s & Don’ts


Mental health everyday