Take a break

TAKE A BREAK FROM ONLINE CONTENT. "A constant influx of bad news — pandemic, shootings, inflation, natural disasters, political turmoil — can feel, at best, soul-crushing... The best predictor for having lower anxiety and depressive symptoms is to avoid watching too much news [or scrolling through social media]... There's an endless availability of information; without putting the brakes on it yourself, you can just keep going and keep reading and become more stressed."

This research was conducted at the height of the pandemic with over 900 adults reporting increased symptoms of stress, anxiety and/or depression. Active avoidance of "doom scrolling" dramatically decreased these symptoms. Pay attention to how you are feeling. Find replacements that support your physiological wellbeing, such as a healthy diet, time outdoors, exercise, hydration, meditation/prayer and positive relationships.

"Taking care of our body is something we can control. That develops a sense of what's predictable and can help with stress."

#anchoredmind #counseling #therapy #mentalhealth #news #socialmedia #break #fasting #stress #anxiety #depression #selfcare

Source: https://www.nbcnews.com/health/health-news/taking-break-news-can-improve-mental-health-study-finds-rcna51954

Michael Kanner

Anchored Mind Counseling + Nutrition


Don’t should on yourself


Practicing gratitude